Born around 1474 in Jaragua, present day Léogane, Anacaona is the wife of Caonabo, cacique of Hispaniola. Her beauty, intelligence and grace earned her the name of “Golden Flower". She is a symbol of resistance to colonization.
- An 18’’ handcrafted doll
- Made of polyester and filled with cotton
- Ages 3 and up
- Designed by Bititi
Anakawona fèt nan lane 1474 nan “yaragua” ki tounen vil leogann jodia. Li se madan Kaonabo, youn nan chèf Ispagnola yo. Bote l ak savwa l te fe yo bal non “Flè lò”. Li se senbòl opozisyon nan kolonizasyon an.
- Pope 18” wotè ki fèt a la men
- Li fèt a polyestè, li boure ak koton
- Li pou timoun pou pi piti 3 lane
- Se Bititi ki fe pope sila